NINE HUNDRED AND FORTY SATURDAYS!!! That is the number of Saturdays that we have with our children from the time that they are born to the day they turn 18!!! That's all we get before they have their 18th birthday and they are officially adults...and 260 of those are taken up before they even enter school at 5 years old!!! I don't know about you, but that just hits me in the gut.

This last week I feel like I woke up one morning and looked at my son and thought, "How are your 14 already?" Believe me when I say, the days are long but the years are short. This is why I felt that it was fitting for me to do a 52 week photo challenge, and I hope that you will join me. Each week, be intentional with your photos, not just snapping random pictures on your phone. I wanted to create a challenge to would nurture those precious and sweet moment with our children. The memories fade, but pictures never do. This challenge will encourage us to think outside the box and capture those smiles as they do something they love.
So here it goes...
Are you up for the challenge?
Each Week I will post the photo challenge and I hope you will play by posting your photo of the week under my photo challenge. If you haven't followed me on facebook, here's your chance. Go like my page and this is where you will be able to participate in my weekly photo challenge >>>> Click Here
Here is your 52 week challenge
1. Reading their favorite book
2. playing with toys
3. Doing homework or coloring
4. Blowing bubbles
5. Pushing a cart in the store
6. Sleeping
7. Cuddling with Mom
8. Taking a bath
9. Dancing
10. Baking or Cooking
11. Running
12. Painting
13. Flying a Kite
14. Swinging on a swing
15. Licking a spoon (great after baking)
16. Eating or pouring cereal into a bowl
17. Swimming
18. Brushing Teeth
19. Eating a watermelon
20. Playing with their favorite pet
21. Cuddled up on the couch watching their favorite show
22. Playing dress up (even get adults involved in this)
23. Making music
24. Playing outside
25. Doing chores
26. Details of their fingers and toes
27. Their smile
28. Daily routine (this could be anything)
29. Out on an adventure
30. Helping in the grocery store
31. Playing with a friend
32. hiding
33. Talking on the phone with a family member
34. With their stuffed animals (even teens have some, even if they don't admit it)
35. Watching a movie
36. Messes they have made or handprints on the wall (one day they will be gone and you will have a clean
empty house)
37. Getting Dressed (if they too old to do that, capture them putting their shoes on)
38. Take a selfie
39. Have someone take a picture of you with the kids
40. Got to a pet store and watch fish
41. Smelling flowers
42. Doing a puzzle or playing a board game
43. Being in their own element
44. Making breakfast
45. You holding their hand
46. Playing their favorite sport or activity
47. Eating ice cream
48. gardening
49. riding a bike or rollerskating
50. At the library
51. Hanging out in their room
52. Looking out the window
Of course these ideas are meant to be fun and a way to get out of the norm, and capture the sweetness of our kids, whether they are 1 or 17. No matter how old they are, they will always be our babies. Am I right?